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New ideas every day--How to REALLY get a GREAT JOB

Connecting the best people
with the best companies!

How to get to: 

My Best Future

Let's Talk For A Bit: Let's talk for 15 minutes.

Don't know where to start?

Give me a call.  Tell me where you are at in your career or job search. We can decide where to go from there.

Bryan Dilts (717)975-9001.  And you can email me at bryan@agicc.com .

Career Job Search Coaching:  If you just want help finding the right job, but you are secure where you are at, this is what you need.  Well take a direction that is more focused on long term career.  Your resume won't be put together until you have figured out exactly where your career needs to go. 

You'll want to move as fast as possible without getting overburdened.  This includes two initial "definition" sessions that can range from 45 minutes to 3 hours.  Then weekly coaching sessions for a minimum of 3 months.  

Career Job Search Coaching for 3 months

Career Coaching:  First we'll find out what are the best careers for you.  There is some brainstorming, and a lot of down to earth work.  We may find that your present job really does have the opportunities you need.  We may also find that you need to make a complete career change. 

Change may be fast, but 6 months to a year of work is very common.  The initial "definition" session we will have will last 45 minutes to 3 hours.  We'll talk every other week, and you'll figure out your true vocation, and how to get there by the time we are done.

Career Coaching for 6 months


Let's talk about what will work for you.  Call me.

Bryan Dilts at 717-975-9001 or email me at bryan@agicc.com 

5 weeks - How to find a job in 5 weeks.

Individualized coaching to help you with an urgent job search or a needed career change.